John 16:1-4.
When the Helper Comes
John 15:26-27.
Now They Have No Excuse
John 15:22-25.
The World Hates You
John 15:18-21.
I Have Called You Friends
John 15:12-17.
Justin Geigley
Justin Geigley (elder at Eden Worship Center) joined us again, preaching from the book of Acts.
Joseph Raber - May 12, 2019
While Pastor Jason was out of town, we were blessed to have Joseph Raber with us, preaching from Colossians 1:3-8.
The Blessings of Abiding in Christ
John 15:7-11.
Evidence of Genuine Faith
This week we take a one week break from our study of the Gospel of John to look at another of John’s writings, 1 John, and 7 evidences of genuine, saving faith.
I AM the Vine
John 15:1-2.
The Promised Holy Spirit
John 14:15-31.
The Only Way
John 14:4-14.
A Place For You
John 14:1-3.
By This All People Will Know You Are My Disciples
John 13:31-38.
The Betrayal
John 13:18-30.
The Foot Washing
John 13:2-17.
He Loved Them to the End
John 13:1.
Jesus Came to Save the World
John 12:44-50.
They Could Not Believe
John 12:37-43.
While You Have the Light, Believe the Light
John 12:34-36.